What's A Nurture Sequence And Why Do You Need One?
Picture this…
Your dream clients are creeping around your office window - noses pressed against the glass. They’re peering inside your business to get a good look at you.
They’re not sure they want to come in… yet. But they’re dying to know what you’re all about.
See them out there, stealing glances your way? You and I both know you’d love to connect - but you don’t want to come on too strong. The truth is, they’ve been burned before.
And, they’re getting bored of eavesdropping - they want an invitation into your world.
They want to know who you are, what you do, and why you’re the best person to help them.
They want the whole story…
… But, they want it in bite-sized pieces. And they definitely don’t want to be sold to.
It’s the same with your online presence.
Your dream clients are waiting just outside your reach to learn more about your amazing services.
So, the question is…
Do clients feel inspired to come through that door and connect with you on a deeper level?
Or, are they stuck on the other side of the screen, getting ready to pass on by because they couldn’t see just how much value you’d bring to the table?
If you’re looking to move your clients from window shoppers to purchasers - and life-long, loyal fans - it’s time to consider an email nurture sequence to help build a list of ready-to-buy, engaged subscribers who really like you.
Don’t know where to start?
Here’s a step-by-step guide on exactly how to write a welcome sequence that works.
But, first, you may be wondering what a nurture sequence looks like and whether you actually need one for your business.
The easiest way to explain a nurture sequence is a short, strategic set of emails designed to deliver value, delve into your backstory, and help clients decide whether you mesh.
Or, little touchpoints that bring your clients one step closer to your door - and bring you closer to the booked-out, sold-out, business of your dreams.
In the marketing world, it’s often referred to as a welcome sequence because it focuses on welcoming your clients into the brand.
Clients get a behind the curtain look at what you stand for, why you’re in business, and who your services are a good fit for.
But, before we get deeper into what a welcome sequence IS, let’s start with what it definitely IS NOT:
A product dump. *For the love Godiva - let’s leave the spam in the back of the pantry where it belongs
A 15-part saga (that’ll leave clients snoring)
A waste of time
Let’s be honest… the last thing you need is another marketing strategy that’ll deliver zero ROE. And siphon off any more of your time or creative energy.
The fact is, if these emails don’t connect with your clients, they could end up costing you…
… Which is why we’ll make sure they’re done right.
With a combination of personality, purpose, and persuasion to entice your dream clients to learn more about your services - without feeling salesy.
Here’s My Proven 3-Step Formula For A Welcome Sequence That Really Works
Hands down, a nurture sequence is the best way to deliver your freebie (more on that later), develop trust, and drum up interest in your services.
But this series of strategic emails isn’t just a way to produce more sales. It’s a way to prime and persuade while putting genuine human connection before conversion.
Think about your own buying journey. First, you’re a lead, then a prospect, and finally a paying customer - and maybe even a reliable referral source.
An effective welcome sequence will tailor each email so it naturally flows through to the next stage.
In short, each email has a purpose: to bring the reader to the next stage… and beyond.
When done correctly, the reader will naturally flow through each stage of awareness and figure out for themselves that you’re a match made in heaven.
Basically, they’ll be happy to buy whatever you’re selling because they don’t feel sold to.
But whipping up a few emails is just one piece of the marketing puzzle. You need to ensure what you’re delivering is relatable and relevant…
…and this requires a roadmap to guide your customers from reluctant to ready-to-buy.
So, here’s a snapshot of a fool-proof, 3-step sequence:
Build Connection
Build Community
Build Credibility
Something to keep in mind…
Your email sequence isn’t limited to 3 emails - in fact, many of my clients find it takes more like 5 or 6 to feel confident in their impact.
The key is, each stage builds off the one before.
Meaning… you won’t move on to the next step until your email(s) have met their purpose and you feel confident your clients will follow your lead.
So, how do we tailor these emails to build connection, community, and credibility?
The First Step to Authentically Connect With New Clients
In most cases, clients (or potential clients) have provided you with their email in exchange for a free guide, newsletter, or another type of lead magnet.
They’ve opted-in and said, ‘Here you go, here’s this snippet of my personal information in exchange for something valuable that you’ve promised to give me.’
So, the first step to fostering deeper connection is to deliver on your end of the bargain.
You build trust by making good on your promise and showing up as a dependable resource for your customers.
Once you deliver your freebie, you deepen your relationship by meeting your clients where they are.
Even if you’re new to email marketing, you’ve heard the term “join clients in the conversation in their head.”
Well, my friend, this is the time to go there.
This could look like sharing your story - but not in a monologue-y, here’s my awards and accomplishments kind of way (Just. No.)
In a way that lets clients know you’ve been exactly where they are. You want to show them where you fit into their story.
And, you do this by demonstrating empathy.
It’s about compassion and showing you care enough about them to step into their shoes.
Because you ‘get’ where they’re coming from - you’re the best person to get them where they’re trying to go.
When you show you care enough to understand them a deeply emotional level, you make it impossible to sound like another pushy salesperson.
Yes, this could be an email that talks about what’s keeping your client up at night. The fact is, when you show your prospects that you get their pain, you get more engagement.
But, pain is just one piece of the puzzle.
This email could also confirm their suspicions, share a secret, or band together against a common enemy (why does this always bring me to Avengers?!)
Above all, the 2 things this email MUST DO is reassure your prospects that:
You’ve been there before. Identify the problem and shift over to a common vision.
There’s hope. Share a reframe. Maybe it’s something they’ve always believed that’s now standing in the way of their success.
If you can connect with your client in these first few emails, you set the stage for a fulfilling - and profitable - relationship in the future.
How Community Can Change The Sales Conversation
This is where your story meets their story.
It’s your chance to share your mission and your vision. And bring on that big beautiful brand voice.
When you share your story, you build that next layer of trust: that e-ability. People like others who share the same vision.
Your prospects get a better picture of why you do what you do – and how you’re different from everyone else in your industry.
And, you open a spot for them in your community.
Humans crave that sense of belonging - it’s baked into our DNA. If you’re looking to captivate and keep your clients’ attention, the best way is to make them feel right at home in your community.
It’s important to keep your brand voice consistent throughout your emails.
Your brand story is that single thread that leads your clients back to you time and time again.
Because consistency = trust.
When you show up consistently, you naturally attract your ideal clients. They see you as accountable and authentic – 2 powerful pillars of trust.
And it’s that deep trust that turns prospects into paying customers and advocates of your brand.
The kind of raving fans that are committed to your mission and share, like, follow, and refer like never before.
All this from an email?
Not quite… there’s 1 step left to make a massive impact on your clients.
How To Demonstrate Authority - Without Demanding It…
Maybe you have a degree or a designation you’d love to share with your audience. And not from that braggy place… but from a genuine need to show clients that you’re a professional in the space.
Or, maybe you have years of experience, killer results, or glowing testimonials that demonstrate EXACTLY how you are different from every other Suise-influencer out there.
Ok. Go ahead. Let’s do this.
These last emails are a chance to build credibility – without knocking down the great foundation you’ve built.
To demonstrate credibility without cramming it down their throats, share a case study or story that builds that social proof.
This is your chance to showcase the value you bring to the table, by showcasing the transformation that’s possible by working with you. And the first sneak peek of your awesome offers.
The truth is, clients aren’t interested in the bells and whistles of your program - at least not at this stage. They’re interested in how their lives will be better off from having found you.
Focus on that.
Helped someone smash through a financial block? Share it.
Another client had a massive mindset shift. Bam!
Saved a client massive time, money, or energy? Perfect!
Stories capture (and hold!) attention better than dry elevator pitches about how you “help them do X by doing Y.”
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for a good value prop. But this is a time to showcase your mad skills - not hide behind facts and formulas.
Social proof is persuasive. It tells a story AND it’s relatable. Two psychological powerhouses.
So, weave your expertise into these success stories. Let your clients’ stories do the selling FOR you.
Show how your client came away better, faster, stronger - and don’t make it any harder for yourself (quick, name that tune!)
The Easiest Way To Roll Out Your Welcome Sequence
So, your emails are mapped out and are ready to go.
But, before you can send a single email - you need to get those addresses first. And, it’s not as hard as you think.
The final piece of the puzzle is to offer a freebie. Or a lead magnet.
I mentioned it earlier - and it’s worth an entire blog itself (... good thing I’m writing one.)
But, to give you a better idea…
Your lead magnet is a free, high-value promise made in exchange for a piece of your client’s personal info - normally their email address.
Whether it’s a quiz, e-book, webinar, template, or free coaching session - something your clients find valuable enough to sign up for more information.
The opt-in is ground zero for your email nurture sequence. It’s a personalized invitation into your world.
It’s Time To Welcome In Your Raving Fans
Whether you see them or not, your clients are snooping around your site or social media - looking for a chance to connect.
Don’t make them wait any longer. Use these tips to attract, nurture, and grow a list of true-blue clients who’ll follow you to the ends of the earth.
And, lead the way to more clicks, purchases, and enrolments in your amazing offer.
To get in touch with me directly, send me a DM or email hello@jennifernicolecreative.com